Friday, March 20, 2020

Editing: Re-shooting


This is regarding the re-shooting of the scenes in the movie. This is for the scenes that we couldn't do well or that were not fit for the feeling of the movie at the time. However, due to the coronavirus the ability to get a camera isnt there. I may have to find another option if one is available for me to use. At the moment the availability to gather supplies for filming is slim to none. The stores are mostly sold out of mostly everything that could have been used to film. I have some of the supplies to do the scenes with the plates and the glasses. The camera is a different problem. The lack of availability to go to the school to rent the proper ones isnt a option. My family doesn't have a camera to use and i'm not sure if i'm allowed to use the phone I have. 
  These past few days i've tried to think of ways to get one but all of them involve interaction that isn't allowed at the moment. My group is split all over and none of us live remotely close to one another. We usually meet up at a specific place but none of those places are an option now. I've gotten messages regarding the class and the teachers have been really helpful informing us on what's going on. I live around one hour from my school and my group mates, so the communication we have is strictly by phone. Schools and big businesses are doing deep cleanings so to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus. This has been going on for a few days. Being stuck at home has however, allowed us to study up on our movies and tv shows.

*one of the dramas 

    In most American TV dramas there is always a happy-ending, this and the main couple always has one big fight they get through in order to be happy. For other dramas like Korean dramas, the main couple doesn't have to get together. Instead the main character goes and finds a way to be happy and or improve themselves in-order to be happy, and thus get to have a happy-ending. Or the character doesn't get to have a happy ending with another person and instead something happens and they end up alone, but the ending is the same, they get to have a happy-ending.   

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