Thursday, February 27, 2020

Filming: Filming The Movie (outside)

Filming: Part Two: The Outside

With the outside being one of the harder settings we chose to film it at the time at a moderate lighting. I had the opportunity to film most things how I wanted to because the storyboards for this was very quick. I used the space to make it seem like it was a lot bigger than it really was. The red carpet we used is actually a rug. The rug was also very short so I had to film it at a lower angle to make it look bigger. The camera work this time was also without the tri-pod so I filmed everything by hand. This also makes it look like it’s in the paparazzis perspective. This adds a mysterious tone to the film. The town throughout the film without the music is very different. We want the music to be scary and then calms for the places we’ve filmed.

    This balance can be seen throughout. The sun was going to set soon so the lighting wasn’t going to be good so we filmed at the later of the day to have that neutral lighting. The camera footage inside the car is also really dark so it can seem more mysterious. I wanted the dark scary tone mixed with elegance for the celebrities. The filming was a lot of fun to do. My group mate who helped me couldn’t help me this time cause she was in it. However seeing everyone act was really fun. The driver of the car also made sure we were very far away from the car. This is when they pulled into the parking spot for one of the shots. The safety was top priority for this portion of the project. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

Filming: Filming the Movie

Filming the Movie  

Figuring out how we were going to film was up to Andrea and I. She helped me figure out how to set up all of the different takes so the filming would flow better. We filmed on Saturday, 22, February. This was set up by me. The location was my house. The different tasked we had to do where based on our individual skill sets. In my last blog I showed a picture of it.

For filming inside the house we first had to take a picture for one of the scenes and print it out. I did her hair and makeup. I did the costumes for both of the actors but jaheim brought his own suit. The picture was edited by me. When we filmed the scene with the food and the table that was also inside. The scenes were all filmed by me. The hardest part was trying to avoid all of the mirrors in the house. I didn't want to be caught on camera with the camera itself. To stop this from happening I had to go between the plants in the house and lower down the camera enough so I wouldn't be seen. The lighting was a little low for this so I had to adjust the lighting to get this photo.

The filming in the house lasted about two hours. The thing that took the longest to set up was the food and the props. Each of the food had to be plated on nice plates to give the effect of "class." This was due to the people, and or, actors trying to portray celebrities for our movie. The clean up for the scenes took little to no time. Andrea helped a lot to tell me the storyboard so I could follow it. Due to the weather I couldn't film outside that much in the beginning but did later on.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Filming: Props and Costumes

Props and Costumes 

For my group I will be in charge of the props and costumes. With this job I gave myself it will be a lot of work and responsibility. To properly make and create the things we will be using to film to give the look we want took a lot of time. With this the props have to look realistic while still being safe for the actor. I have made a couple of things for them to wear that will be fun and simple. The different scenes all have different costume changes and different pieces the actor will have to adjust to wearing depend on the setting and script. For the dining room scene and the car scene. These will all have the same to similar attire. The male will be wearing the same thing throughout but the female will be constantly changing. The dinner table will be set to feed a king and queen, but not really cause they are just “celebrities.” 
   The props for food wise will look both like human body parts and other types of food. When the scene pops up with all the food the food will look like the following images. 

The food is one of the most important parts of the movie and took me a little while to make. The setting of the table was to look like a dark and classy couple that wanted to enjoy a nice meal together. The music and the other things during the film will provide ambiance and Mise-Un-Scene. I made the props out of fondant for the realistic body parts. They were made by hand by looking at pictures of the face. The other things that from far away look like other body parts are jello. The jello I used was the strawberry one so it looked like blood. The other one I used was regular gelatin and the cherry for more of a contrast.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Filming: Filming Schedule

Filming Schedule

This is the schedule for this Saturday, for the movie "A Bit of Love." For this Schedule I took into account all of the other group members schedules. However, with some work related things I had to inform a group member to change their own personal schedule. This filming session will be the first of two that we will be doing. However this will be the longest one. The filming process should only be around three to four hours depending on the setup time and the constant costume changes that I will be doing and helping the actors do. The props, costumes, settings and changes, and the food, will all be coordinated by me. The CCR will be set up as well but only minorly to see how it may flow when we film it. This means that the time of the shooting of the film will also be managed by me. I will finish up making the props and the many different types of costume pieces.
  The camera will be checked out by someone else and will be brought to the filming set. The setting will be the house that was shown in the last blog. With this filming process the health risks are very minimal to none. Due to the fact the car won't be moving. The things that will be happening in the house are eating and breaking plates. This will also not be a risk cause we will be braking it over a plastic bag and the person braking it will wear gloves. This will also be monitored by adults. The movie will last for two minutes. It will take a couple of takes to get the filming right so, we don't have to struggle while editing. The editing process will come later. After the shooting of the film we will clean up and try to think about how to approach the CCR. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Planning: Storyboarding


The storyboard for my film was done by me and Jaheim.

In order of each scene, the following is drawn out...

The first template shows a sketch of the film. protagonists (the married couple) in their wedding photo, before slowly zooming out to glass surrounding it as a foot steps down and shatters it, the couple will also be yelling at each other in the background as this happens although we didn't write that out explicitly. The camera will then cut to the couple arguing and yelling at each other. The next shots will be of a plate flying across the screen, followed by a bowl, and then a wine glass. Shots of each object breaking will be shown in between. The next scene is a scene of the protagonists in a fancy car. An establishing shot is used, and then a two shot showing one character looking at the driver, then jump cutting to the other looking outside the car window. The car then pulls up to the venue and quickly finish the drinks they were having before opening the door. One foot comes out followed by another with the camera zoomed into them, staying zoomed as the character walks down a red carpet with cameras flashing. Paparazzi will be shown accompanied by a bright camera flash that will then show the characters smiling. The second to last scene returns to the couples' home, showing food on their dining table. The female will look at the food, quickly looking away to meet eyes with the male before returning to the female as an eye-line match. As the final  scene, he food will then slowly be shown, revealing that what the characters are eating is... not quite right. This will take a bit longer to make the viewer intrigued, before ending the film (or well, the final scene of its beginning). 

Monday, February 10, 2020

Planning: Title design in detail


For these Titles to work we need the editing to run smoothly. The one incharge of that is Jaheim. I will be incharge of most of the things that go into the film, like how it will flow, music, costume, and directing. The cast will be managed by Andrea and the film will be filmed by myself and Jaheim. The style of the font will be the same throughout except for the director. The sizes and colors will depend on how they are important and the background color. The way they flow is detailed in the Powerpoint. The tone of the titles are very muted and don't scream the real concept of the movie until the title and the directors name. The actors names (Victoria)(Jaheim)&(Andrea) will be shot into the scene with a prop. This will add a special aspect to the movie and test the level of difficulty we can match. 

Planning: Location, Sound, Participants, Health, Schedule

Location, Sound, Participants, Health, Schedule

This was to show the schedule and what will go on during the scenes. For this the participants in the slide are the ones who will be filmed. The ones who will be behind the scenes will be Jaheim and I. I will be directing how the film persists. The location, sound, and schedule are as follows. With the specific dates those will have to be decided after the storyboarding process to estimate properly the amount of time needed. The health aspects of the planning process revolve around the specific scenes. There will be a first aid kit available along with water during the scenes with eating. The "health" during the car scenes is that they will wear a seat-belt and the car won't be moving. Due to the couple being celebrities the windows of the car will appear to be heavily tinted.   

This is the house. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Planning: Sounds of the Movie

Sounds of the Movie

The movie will flow better with the addition of the sounds I've written into this script. With the addition of the sound I've added the Mise-Un-Scene of the movie. This will mean something throughout the movie. This gives the audience a feeling from the way they are together. The way that this music only plays while they are together mean something and the audience throughout the movie will learn about it later. The use of sound also changes the mood of the movie with the addition of slight dialogue. If it were to be too dialogue base there wouldn't be a Mise-Un-Scene. Since this is a two minute intro to the movie key details have to be introduced first. As the scenes flow together (this includes the names of the people who worked on the project) the sounds have to fit with what's going on in the movie. However, in dramas and in romance films the diegetic sounds are usually enhanced this is so they are "heard" and exaggerated.

Planning: Script and Shooting process

Script and Shooting process

This was the script to the movie that I made for the movie we are doing. This script was a little difficult to work with,in terms of how this will all fit,and if all of this will be to much for the beginning of the movie. This movie will only last around two minutes and therefore only 120 seconds. With this time-frame it was hard to figure out how all of the things will turn out to look. With the next blog (the sound) it will mostly come together without the use of a visual. However visually is different then just writing it down as a script. Figuring out how this will match will be my next mission. To make sure it won't look like too much, and it will hopefully flow,once we add how this will fit together. With most dramas having many jump-cuts and romance films also having many jump-cuts this will be incorporated. The different scenes do give off the feelings of a drama/romance. However, at the end this will change with the different points of views being shown. This will be a good challenge and will be fun to see come together.