Editing the commercial
Today we are working on the commercial. We are in the editing process and we are trying to bring the commercial together. With the software PinnacleStudios we will shape the commercial into what we want. We will be looking at the drafts and scripts we made so that the dialogue and edits are where we want them. The storyboard will give us the initial Layout. We will be able to see what will happen as the boxes continue. When we filmed we followed the scripts and storyboard. This was to make sure that there was consistency. I made sure to color it so we knew the parts where we needed to have a certain scenery in the background. The software we have wasn’t working however.
My teacher tired to get it to work but in the end couldn’t open it up. Everyone from the other periods also tried but didn’t succeed. We tried opening it on several different computers. However, with the video footage dumped on the computer we couldn’t switch computers. The editing process will have to be the next class as soon as the the software gets fixed. Since we couldn’t do it today we are discussing different methods of what do do next. We are trying to think of ways that we could make the commercial better. Like the sounds and different parts that could be better. We are thinking of doing voice overs. With this we will be able to get a clear sound instead of the audio we took at the field.
We were instructed to dump all of our footage on the computer to ensure that the footage would still be there when we looked back. We weren’t able to get the software to open so we are writing this blog. We also downloaded the footage on google docks to also make sure that we have a back up plan. If we can’t open the software our teachers will tell us what happens next. We will be better prepared with the added time and the commercials will turn out well. We might be instructed to use a different software. Victoria will be doing the editing wile I read off of the script. With this we are able to make sure that everything we want to be in the film will be. Depending on the status of the other software we might also move to different computers. We want to add different effects as well as sound. The sounds would be both from other commercials and from our own interpretation. The sounds from the outside will still be there just more concentrated.