Monday, December 2, 2019

Continuing filming blog: Music Video

The second filming blog for the music video

The filming for this project was done by me (Emily). I was and am in charge of costume, storyboard, and filming. Also as of now editing as well. The filming I wanted to do was based off of the story I wanted to express in the music video. This was the feeling of freedom and love. I filmed everything that was for the music video in one day. This was so we can maximize our efforts in the overall execution of the project. This was in the editing and flow of the piece.  However, since we filmed in one day the subject matter for this blog is mostly the same as the other one. This blog can give a little bit more information on the projected and estimated look of the finished product. 
   I wanted to use the low angled shots to get the wider effect of the scenery. This was not only for the purpose of the establishing shot, but also the feel of the video. Also in having control of the camera I was able to direct where I wanted the actresses to end up in the film.  Since the actresses move a lot in the different takes I wanted the flow to be smooth. The opportunity to use the tripod was very much taken advantage of. I enjoyed being able to make the different scenes. Since the eye-line match edit was used greatly in the 50s and 60s.( Also romance films and comedies.) The part where I added,and wanted to add this in, was for the audience. I wanted them to see what the actresses were seeing. In doing this the audience could feel what they did as well. 
       As I said in the previous blog the lighting of the different sets will differ. The purpose was for the feelings in each scene (they will change slightly). The overall footage from filming will have scenes in all ranges of lighting. This is so I  can pick and chose the takes for the film. It is a love song so its staged in a neutral and dull light to give it a warm feeling. This is without color so the feelings of warmth will be through acting and lighting. The acting will be for the song and the lyrics. This will tie into the overall piece. This film should be overall around 1:05-1:10 minutes. So it will be the duration of the song with lyrics. Added in will be a few seconds of the singer (Frank Sinatra) playing the piano. The ending will feel more complete this way. This also allows the credits to “roll.”

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