Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Storyboard: Music Video

Storyboard for the music video

The story boards are as follows.

The different angles and shots that I have incorporated into the film (i.e. music video) give it a new age theme, rather than the 50s. However, the piece will be done in black and white. This is to preserve some of that 50s vibe. In addition there will be 50s themed clothing.
  The camera we will be using is the same one from the previous filming. Its a hand held camera that can attach to a stand alone tri-pod. This is to ensure that the filming wont be to shaky as this will distort the overall feeling the music video needs to express. The camera angles will change due to the scene and where the shot will take place. For the stage scene it will be a wide angle shot and filmed at the eye level of the person watching them dance. The angles that will be filmed in an outside location will be filmed in several different ways. The scenes will be a mix of high to low angle shots. The zoom will be reserved for the end.
  The movements that will be filmed is track shots and several zooms. This is for certain effects that we will try to express through the music plus the editing. The editing will be lots of jump-cuts. There will also be some zoom and fades may or may not be incorporated. This depends on the way the group feels when we are at the late stages of editing. This is to make sure we have added all of the sounds that we need to and the certain shots that we wanted. The layout of the music video is in the storyboard but, it is up for change if we decide to (or not).
   The actresses that will in the film are part of our group. (Victoria and Andrea). They are the ones who will put on the costumes and preform. I will be directing and managing the costumes (i.e. setting and location.) Throughout the process of filming we will be safe and cautious while also having fun. The sounds is going to be strictly the music and the few seconds before and after where Frank Sinatra is playing the piano. The sounds are non-diegetic. Due to the music being unrelated to what's being filmed its diegetic. However, in the beginning of the Storyboard it has a direction to play a music player (prop). This means that at the beginning it is diegetic. This makes the sound in the video flow nicely.  The feelings that should be expressed are love and the feelings the audience should grasp from the music video should be of them in love and being happy for them. 

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